• Learning Videos

    All chapters and lessons are available as learning videos. Learn at YOUR pace, start and stop at any time, repeat chapters - within your course subscription - as often as you like.

  • Practical Exercises

    Valuable practical exercises help you to consolidate the knowledge you have learned by means of examples - use virtual computers provided by suxxesso for this purpose.

  • Learning Check

    In addition to the exercises, each chapter contains learning checks in the form of quizzes, which repeat the contents of the chapter again and with whose help you can check your knowledge.

Course Content

    1. Welcome

    1. User Interfaces

    2. Table Search

    3. Learning Check - User Interfaces

    1. Query Nodes - General

    2. SAP Query

    3. SAP Function

    4. Client Query

    5. Call

    6. Cache

    7. Transform XML

    8. Learning Check - Node Types

    1. Constant Iterations

    2. Learning Check - Constant Iterations

    1. Parameters

    2. Macros

    3. Learning Check - Parameters

    1. ResultFilters

    2. Embedded Queries

    3. Learning Check - Node Result Processing

About this course

  • 20 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content


Vinzent Theuer

Junior Trainer

Vinzent Theuer has a lot of experience in graphic design, communication and informatics and therefore supports the suxxesso pre sales- and product management-teams as junior consultant.